Ignite for developers
Ignite helps developers build sites faster and more efficiently, regardless of the project size or scope. Ignite’s reusable features and simplified back-end processes give development teams a jumpstart on their work.
What does Ignite mean for developers?
The back-end of Ignite is powered by a robust, open source Drupal install profile. Ignite packages the best solutions the Drupal community has to offer so organizations can build sites faster.
We designed Ignite with the goal of capturing features that overlap all verticals and projects of every size and scope. While every project is unique in some way, most have shared problems that could benefit from repeated, common-sense solutions. We’ve also worked to build Ignite with the features that create the best administrative and authoring experience we can provide for the Open Source community.
It’s a full-time job to simplify processes on the back-end of a site and deliver a consistent, high-impact user experience on the front-end. Ignite makes both of these jobs easier. Ignite is flexible enough to serve large and small organizations alike, across all industries. For large enterprise builds, the install profile reduces overhead and takes advantage of reusable features even if the project overall is a highly-customized implementation. Smaller, more budget-conscious organizations can reuse even more of the out-of-the-box functionality for further savings. The end result is a fully branded, enterprise-grade Drupal solution for your organization.
The details of our approach
Package and configure common modules
We package popular contributed modules like Metatag and others that focus primarily on the authoring and administrative experience. Our installation comes with sensible defaults that offer a great out-of-box experience while saving developer and content editors time.
Offer Flexible content features to jump-start development
Ignite offers a variety of content features, including content types and paragraphs, not found in most distributions. These features are all optional and offer the opportunity to jump-start development. We believe our approach to content architecture gives editors a consistent, flexible interface for managing content. At the same time, it helps developers get going faster while being fully configurable.
Ship with an extendable base theme and style guide
Ignite ships with a base theme and a base style guide that includes all components in the Figma UI kit — the most common components you’ll find on a typical website. These components provide basic styling and markup that saves development time. The components are intended to be branded to match the design requirements of a given project. Ignite also includes a Storybook instance where all components in the UI kit are pre-built, primarily using Bootstrap 5.2. Using Bootstrap also provides a consistent grid system for the site. Additionally, all Paragraph features are pre-integrated with the base theme and style guide to save more development time and reduce costs. The net result is that the development team gets a running start on a new project instead of constantly reinventing the wheel.